Still finding your feet since moving to the UK? English language skills holding you back?

Our ESOL Skills for Life Academy is ideal for adults aged 19+ who want to improve their English, find work and integrate successfully into life in the UK.

Courses are free to eligible learners and build important communication, social and functional skills. We can help you with the settlement process and with boosting employability.

Over 15 weeks you’ll get:

  • Award in ESOL Reading
  • Award in ESOL Writing
  • Award in ESOL Speaking & Listening
  • Award in Progression (Money management and budgeting skills, rights and responsibilities in the UK, building up resilience and overcoming life obstacles.)
  • Award in Living and Working in the UK
  • Award in Employability Skills (CV writing, interviews, applications and job searching supported by National Careers Service)


In addition we provide:

  • Face-to-face delivery
  • An understanding of British culture and values to help you adjust to life in the UK
  • Support with IT skills
  • Enrichment opportunities, including visits to libraries, museums and art galleries


There is no minimum requirement to register for the Academy and all courses are fully funded through the respective local authorities.


Want to find out more? Fill out the enquiry form or contact us on 0800 3891 999 or email 



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