With environmental issues being such a prevalent issue in today’s society and a key challenge that is affecting all businesses, the task of assessing company policies and procedures and looking at ways to minimise environmental impact is more important than ever before.
The Importance of ‘Green’ Skills
One way that businesses can address these challenges is by looking internally at their workforce and enabling them to develop skills that will be essential to the changing economic and political requirements. ‘Green’ skills are relevant to a number of different roles, including some you wouldn’t expect; in fact the number of employees with these skills has increased by 38% since 2015.*
Furthermore, with initiatives like the recent Green Careers Week, there are more campaigns and greater promotion of the importance of employees with skills and experience in tackling environmental issues. The government has also committed to supporting up to 250,000 new “green jobs” by 2030.
Therefore, the incentives are there for businesses to take control of their own destiny and to enable and support their workforce to upskill in relevant courses, embracing the opportunities provided by this sustainability-driven transformation.
Benefits within the Logistics Industry
These issues are particularly prominent in the Logistics sector, with Transport being the UK’s largest emitting sector of Greenhouse Gases, responsible for 27% of the nation’s total.* Transport decarbonisation is considered a key focus for the industry, with Logistics UK launching its Road To Net Zero Campaign in 2021.
The benefits of ‘Green Logistics’ go beyond reducing gas emissions and minimising waste, increasing customer engagement and boosting brand reputation. Studies have found that 78% of people are more likely to buy products or use services that are clearly labelled as environmentally friendly, whilst 64% stated they would pay more for sustainable products.* This is evidence that minimising environmental impact is not only the conscientious choice, but it is also best for business.
Training Available- Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) Skills for Growth Programme
A great example of the training that is available to businesses, as well as a chance for individuals to boost their own skillset and career prospects is the course offered by Seetec Outsource as part of the GMCA Skills for Growth Programme: “Minimise the Environmental Impact of Logistics Operations.”
The course deals with how energy and materials are used and how to identify ways of using them more efficiently, with key skills learnt including describing the different sources and types of information required for improving performance in logistics operations.
Along with all other Skills for Growth courses, the programme is fully funded by the European Social Fund** and can be tailored entirely around the schedule of an individual and the commitments of their employer. For more information or to register your interest, follow the link here.
*Green economy: Companies and workers need to rethink skills | World Economic Forum (weforum.org)
* Environment (logistics.org.uk)
* The Top 4 Advantages of Green Logistics | Flowspace
** Skills for Growth is funded through the European Social Fund and aims to plug the skills gaps in priority sectors across Greater Manchester as outlined in GMCA’s Local Industrial Strategy.